Our future home - a step out of conviction!

As our Laborplaner family has grown steadily over the past few years and we have already been able to welcome a few new faces to our company this year, it is gradually becoming a little cramped in our current home.

That is why our management started looking for a new solution some time ago. Since we feel very much at home in Gelterkinden, we wanted our new home to be as close as possible. They actually found it not far from our current office, at Eiweg 2, also in Gelterkinden. A new building is currently being constructed there, which will combine office and living space. The rental contract was signed as early as spring 2020.

Now we are already looking forward to moving into this beautiful new building, which is located directly next to the railway station in Gelterkinden. And should we ever feel homesick, we can visit our old home after a five-minute walk.